"invent yourself and then reinvent
don't swim in the same slough.
invent yourself and then reinvent
stay out of the clutches of
— Charles Bukowski
Marketed by Buffalo Trace as "the world's best single barrel bourbon" and "the original single barrel bourbon," it's obvious this grenade-shaped bottle and distinctive cork topper with a horse and jockey in various racing positions is out to impress. Ask any whiskey enthusiast or appreciator of the spirit, and I bet, hands down, a bottle of Blanton's was heavily sought after at one point or another. Perhaps you are currently seeking one as you read this. I was certainly guilty of such tendencies when I first started diving into this hobby, and I have several bottles on my shelf as a testament to that once-upon-time first chapter of my whiskey journey.

I was recently gifted this bottle of Blanton's Gold from a person with a true heart of gold, my Dad. At a slightly higher proof than the original Blanton's and with a higher rye mash bill, Blanton's Gold is marketed as the "spunkier" version of the whiskey expressions coming out of the metal-cladded Warehouse H on Buffalo Trace's famed campus. The limited release first premiered in the summer of 2020 by the Sazerac Company and is released annually. I am actually quite curious if the slight variations listed between the original Blanton's and Gold Edition turn out to be noteworthy or not, which is why this bottle opened, and the liquid was poured into my glencairn.
Company on Label: Blanton Distilling Company
Whiskey Type: Bourbon
Mash Bill Percentages: Buffalo Trace Mash Bill #2 (Higher Rye 12-15%)
Proof: 103°
Age: 6-8years
MSRP: $129.99 (2025)
Further Identification: Dumped 9-10-24 from Warehouse H, Rick 51, Barrel 62
Nose: Upon first lifting the glass to my nose, after an unintentional long rest, I find a good amount of oak filling my senses. The volume is substantial, with that classic Buffalo Trace fruit sweetness. A chalky candy, like crushed-up Smarties, comes next, followed by gooey caramel chews and vanilla cream. It's familiar and cozy, like wrapping up in an oversized plush blanket. Hints of cinnamon and fading oak have me covering a yawn as I snuggle in and prepare to take a sip. Returning to the nose after a few sips has me frowning in confusion. The nose and palate are so wildly different. There's so much more on the nose: sugar and cinnamon rolls warm from the oven, strawberry shortcake, black tea, vanilla biscotti, and a hint of frother cappuccino foam. The empty glass smells like stale Dr. Pepper and Hot Tamales candy.
Palate: An abundance of sweetness and spice, notably cinnamon, flashes across my tongue with the first sip, but all too quickly, a surprising heat takes hold and burns away any remaining flavors. With a feeling reminiscent of whiplash, but for my tongue, I take a second sip in hopes that this dram was simply the overeager horse settling into the endurance portion of a long-form race. Another flash of promising flavors fades again like the lightbulb of an old-fashioned camera. I find myself frustrated with the tease of flavors and the potential for what could be if only the heat and spice didn't overwhelm the palate so quickly. Creamy vanilla and silky caramel melt into nothing but a watery mess, and there's little left to locate other than oak spice and cinnamon to keep my attention. I'm stuck in a wish to taste more of what was initially on my tongue. The finish is a spooked cat running off into a darkened alleyway as the linger reminds me of licking the tail end of a strawberry popsicle in order to read the joke on the stick better. Because, at this point, I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry.
TL;DR: a promising nose fades quickly into disappointment on the palate
Rating: 3/5
While the nose held much potential, enough that I would have raised my bet If I were a gambling woman, this pour could not surpass my experience of the original Blanton's okayness. I will, however, continue to revisit this bottle, out of sheer stubbornness, to see what time and air do to the palate because that nose did prove to be worth future efforts.
